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Monday, July 27, 2009

Is anyone still reading this blog? Lol.

It's been one month and one day since i last updated. I seriously don't think it's my fault that I haven't been writing; it's just that time flies. Hehe. Anyway I guess a lot happened in the last month, but then again it's like nothing has happened. I went to HK, came back, did the mandatory meet-up-with-friends-to-pass-them-souvenirs thing, and somehow managed to burst a blood vessel in my left eye. Hahaha i must be too stressed ne. You would be too if you were me. I was fussing over what souvenirs to buy cos they had to be different from the load of stuff i brought back last year and maybe that's why i now have a red spot in the corner of my right eye. But I dont think I'm gonna die yet. Maaa too bad for you guys. Snigger.

Anyway the HK trip was fun, as usual. We went to the museum (I can't believe we didnt once thought of visiting it during our 6months stay last year), science centre, off-shore islands like mui wo (which jodi abhors for its lack of anything touristy. tsktsk), peng chau (where we hiked up a hill in the middle of the day and got ourselves burnt like roast pigs) and ma wan (it houses the newest attraction in HK - Noah's Ark). Of course we went shopping since they were having summer sale everywhere. I had to lug back all my stuff and jodi and I were seriously broke at the end of the trip. We even had to think twice about having breakfast. HAAHAAHA. It seems funny now but it really wasnt at that time. Geh.

Here are some pics....
Buffet at karaoke on our first night in HK.

Ah gam and jodi. Ah gam's noticeably absent in the later
photos cos she abandoned us and went frolicking in shanghai :3

Lunch at 小肥羊!

VERY nice mango cake/pie (??) at causeway bay.
i dont rem the shop's name though. Lol

梅窝(aka mui wo)
The only good thing that came out from our visit to mui wo
was that I satisfied my craving for HK macs' grilled chicken. Snigger.
Oh and that we spotted two ultra good looking little boys
whom we decided would become heartbreakers in future.

Their waterfall which was supposed to be one of mui wo's major attractions.
Snort. Need me to help you spot the waterfall? See what I mean now?

After a torturous day at 鸟不生蛋的 mui wo,
jodi finally cheered up at the sight of 满记's desserts.

Breakfast at KFC. The chicken cutlet's so small it's pathetic.

Noah's Ark. We took plenty of pictures with all the animals
but I dont think you would wanna see them so......

We met up with wahn siu je, my canto teacher ^^

Falling asleep at the musuem...
I like to think i'm still quite cultured despite that fact. Snigger

Snigger. Nice one, jodi. Snigger.

Mirrors at the science centre. It's definitely bigger than sg's.

HAHAA. My favourite picture! ^^

Mango with glutinous balls at 许留山 ^^

Milk tart from Pie&Tart!!

Taken at the peak of 手指山, where i got my notorious tan. Grah.

Dimsum with our HK friend agnus on the last day of our trip!

Before I end this post, here's wishing xiaomeng HAPPY GRADUATION DAY!! Go earn big bucks so you can treat me to good food soon. HAHAHA.

6:11 PM


Me is

i love