i hate emails
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I don't know if I hate school more or if i hate working more.

I spent my free days (yes I've a 3-day school week and i think my mom's already sick of cooking lunch for me. lol) working on school-related stuff and when i'm not, i've this nagging feeling that i ought to be poring over my books or at least doing something constructive for my grades. Maybe I haven't mugging for too long and I've forgotten how to. It's just sooo sooooo very difficult to get into the studying mood. I'd read a few pages of my textbook, walk around, read my storybook, then go back and read a few pages of that damn thing that I wish would just combust as I evil-eyed it. Shit. I simply cannot concentrate.

Fine, so I try to focus on my projects instead, since that'd give me a legitimate reason to switch on my computer and go do all the research that I need. I gotta say I HATE CHECKING EMAILS. Especially since we've been emailing people to request for information and interviews, and i've to prepare myself for disappointment each time i see a "I'm sorry but...." Pui! :/ As if rejection is bad enough, i have to put up with non-replies. So what now? I'll sit around and wait endlessly for a positive answer, and when i get none, I've to thicken my skin and send another "hi, it's me again" email. And now i'm waiting for an email from someone who can make or break my project. I'm so not looking forward to checking my inbox tml. Can i pay someone to do it for me? Sulks.

Alrights I'm gonna go off and read my storybook. Life as a year 4 sucks. No, cross that. Life sucks when nothing's going the way i like it :/

9:53 PM


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