we can make it. no they CMI
Monday, August 31, 2009


Did anyone hear the ending theme song of CH8's 7pm show? Isn't it Arashi's WE CAN MAKE IT??!!!! O.o This is so OMG.

You know I was at the balcony using my laptop when I heard a familiar tune. Brushing it off as just an uncanny resemblance to my fav song, I was about to tune out when I heard the chorus. So i rushed to the living room to confirm my horror (yea cos it's the same tune, except it's sang by some girl in chinese) while frantically trying to explain to my parents why I suddenly appeared out of nowhere:

"AH!! Arashi 的歌!"
*cue clueless look*
"Tsk! Neh~ 我不是每次给你们看那些杂志!叫你们猜那五个人当中哪一个是我的偶像??!"
*gives me a whats-the-big-deal look while I kept on hyperventilating*

Lol. Now that I've calmed down I probably should admit I was kinda overreacting. But then it's not everyday that you hear arashi's song on local FTA channels, especially when they aren't exactly popular here. Shit. It just feels so...surreal, and kinda gross to hear the chinese version. And shiya u better stay tuned for the song tml so you know what i mean.

To anyone who has never heard the greatness that is We Can Make It, here's your I-can-make-it chance:

Okies I still can't believe JE sold the rights to this song. *shakes head* Now what's next? Love so sweet? :/

8:06 PM

weirdness and greatness
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Grah. I just received an SMS from my insurance agent and it says:

"Happy national day!"

Stupid man. I didn't even hear a "Happy birthday!" on my birthday and he dared wish me happy national day like it's of freaking huge huge importance to me. Snort. I almost replied something rude.

Anyway xiaomeng treated me to dinner cos she got her first pay for her first job! So here's the mandatory xiaomeng-is-awesome segment:

Three cheers for xiaomeng! *clap clap clap clap clap*
Three cheers for xiaomeng! *clap clap clap clap clap*
Three cheers for xiaomeng! *clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*


10:44 PM

what beach? what sand?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009


He hates sand too!! HAAHAA! He was grumbling about how he resents sand so if he ever turns up at the beach, it'd be to just enjoy the view and the sea breeze while taking a stroll on the CONCRETE PATH. Hear that?? I found someone who speaks my mind exactly.

I absolutely hate getting sand on my feet, or any other parts of my body for that matter. They cling to your body and form one sickening clump when you wash them off. The worst thing is you're like a sand carrier, bringing them everywhere you go. That's so yucky. Which is why I almost never remove my shoes at the beach. To a certain extent, I try to avoid the beach because I don't like to end up with a tan. Especially not on the face. It somehow makes me look filthy. Dirty doesn't even cover it. And since I detest mozzies, I always try to keep my legs covered. See? What good would it do me to stand in the sun on the beach when I'm gonna end up with a disgusting face, t-shirt tan line on my arms, and pale-looking legs at the end of the day?

Moral of the story (or rant) is, chewy and the beach just don't go together. Oh wait. And I love nino for hating the sand ^^

9:56 PM


Me is

i love